Manufacturing Sector Recruitment

Covering everything from Production Engineer to Senior Team, the good old fashioned White collar of Engineering & Manufacturing. 

What do we cover?

Over the years we have worked with SME manufacturers making tiny parts that go into a wide variety of products or Supplies to the Tier 1s & 2s of the Manufacturing world. We have also worked with said Tier 1s & 2s designing, building for the Automotive, Aerospace, Defence world. We have also been involved with businesses outside of these sectors, that make everything from Food to Capital equipment Specialist


Production Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers, Project engineers to Team Leaders managers, Works Managers. We’ve got the production team Covered! 

R & D

R & D is a lot more than a few Design Engineers, these are the people that make the concepts real, and find the way to do it. From Systems Engineers to Electronics Firmware/Software, And Everything in between!

Senior Team

Who is running the show? All businesses need great leaders. Covering everything from General Manager, Operations to Director Level, Even MD. Management is an extremely important thing to get right for any Engineering Business. 

Get in touch – 0121 661 6578

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